Anabelle was abandoned in a pen with two nursing puppies in Laurens County, SC. She is a 1-2 year old Australian Shepherd. The original rescue group that went out to help her contacted us to help. They thought she had been shot based on the appearance of holes in her skin. She was covered with maggots from some injury. For people that don’t realize this, it is because of the maggots eating all of the dead tissue and infection that she was still alive. Anabelle was cleaned up and taken to the vet but this was way more than they could handle. After going to the vet, her skin began to peel off in sheets. Her entire body was taken over by a horrible infection. We now realized what we were dealing with. Someone had poured acid all over the back half of this poor mama dog. She had been in excruciating pain for about 6 days before this was discovered.
We had her picked up at the veterinary hospital last night and taken to the Emergency Veterinary Hospital in Columbia, SC where they are equipped and qualified to deal with this type of injury. The doctors worked all through the night to keep this wonderful dog alive. I am happy to say, she is stable but will need every prayer and every penny we have to save her. She will be at the surgical facility for about four weeks. She is anemic and will probably have to have a skin graft and possible transfusion but we are determined to save this beautiful girl. Her two surviving puppies are in foster care.
I cannot emphasize this enough, do not look at the pictures if you have a weak stomach. Look at the great dog at the top and just know that she needs our help. I have chosen to only put one of her pictures up below.
For all of you that are thinking, why don’t we just euthanize this sweet dog and move on to the next abuse case. After consulting with the surgeons and doctors, Anabelle is fighting and we need to fight for her. She has been sweet and loving through all of this. She is a fighter and we do not give up on animals that have been tortured if we think they will have a wonderful quality of life when we are done. This is what we do. We take those that people give up on and we do our best to know when it is time to let an animal go. When that time comes, those sweet animals pass on in loving harms.
Everyone wants to know if the people that did this are being investigated and the answer is yes. If we hear any more news about that we will post an update here. Anabelle will be at the surgical center for several weeks before she can go into a foster home. The most important thing we are making sure of now is that she doesn’t get any secondary infections. Her main infection was bad enough and another one would really knock her system for a loop. She is eating well and we hope she will put her weight back on while her skin is healing.
We are seeing wonderful improvement with this sweet girl. We thought for sure we were going to lose her the other night but all the Angels were on our side and hers. She appears to be feeling a lot better and is finally comfortable. I cannot even imagine how she was able to endure that kind of pain and still nurse her puppies. She has been nothing but sweet the entire time. Everyone has fallen in love with this wonderful girl and wants her to do well.
Anabelle’s skin is granulating beautifully. She is eating and thriving in the environment we have her in. As you can see from the new picture below, her skin is calming down and the infection is clearing up. We still need donations so we can continue all of her treatments.
Anabelle is doing great. This is one sweet dog. She was very shy in the beginning and is now beginning to come around now that she is feeling so much better.
Anabelle was delivered to her new home in Maryland this past week. As soon as we get a new picture we will post it. she has certainly come out of her shell and is doing wonderful.
Here is Anabelle at her new home in Maryland. We are so excited to see her looking so well and so happy. It is hard to believe how far she has come.