Sweet Andy is out of the hospital and into a great Foster Home where he can be on strict cage rest for the next month. His spinal surgery was successful, but now we have to allow his body to heal and not disturb the area that was repaired. During this time, he will get passive motion physical therapy to keep his muscles from atrophying. He can take short breaks on a leash to go to the bathroom but cannot go on any long walks. After the first month, if he is not having any complications then he can go into a physical therapy program that will allow his body to regain the muscle he lost and to address any weakness he is having.
Our dear boy is the sweetest little man that wants nothing more than to lay in your lap and give lots of kisses. With all the pain he was in when he was rescued, he has not given anyone any trouble. He is the perfect little Angel. Once he starts feeling better, I am sure his true personality will come out but for now he is the perfect patient in every way.
We are still taking application for this sweet pup and will be until we think we have found the perfect home for Andy. At this time, he cannot do stairs but that will change once he is cleared to run around and play. Thanks for caring and making his Journey to Walk, possible. We greatly appreciate your support.