This incredibly sweet six to nine month old chow was hit by a car in Richmond, Virginia. Henrico County Animal Control picked him up and brought him to a vet that works with them. The vet did x-rays and then did nothing else for the injuries other than to wrap a leg which did very little good. As you can see from the x-rays below this sweet pup had some horrible breaks, fractures and dislocations that needed emergency medical care so this pup would not heal with deformed legs. For four weeks she kept this little boy and would not allow a rescue to come in and take him into their care to make sure he got the surgery he needed. She would not even return out phone calls to help him. We were finally able to get him out with the help of a very determined vet tech and get him to a surgical facility where they operated on him the next day. Apollo will have to have two operations to correct his legs. His legs will never be like a normal dog again but they will be corrected enough so he can live a normal life. This could have all been prevented if the rescue community would have been allowed to take this little black bundle of love to surgery within a week of the accident. It would have been one surgery and he would have gotten the full use of his legs without any loss of movement because he is still a growing puppy. He is now up to date on all of his shots and is HW-. He will be neutered during this process.
The vet is claiming that per state law since the dog had a collar but no tags they had to keep the dog for two weeks. At the end of two weeks, if she was not going to do something for this wonderful little dog, then she should have contacted the rescue community to get help that she was not providing for Apollo. Basic veterinary care would have not been asking too much. The dog had not ben given any shots or tested for HW when we took over the care of the dog. She could have fought to get him taken care of. That is what people in the medical profession (especially vets) are supposed to do for those that cannot speak for themselves. She refused to send a referral letter to the surgical center that we wanted to take the dog to. She wanted us to use another surgeon that was not going to deal with anyone but her and they were not even considering doing surgeon on him. We could not even get an appointment with them.
The good news is that he has had his first surgery and is doing well.
Apollo had his first surgery and is doing great. He is putting weight on his leg and beginning to act like a puppy again. This is one cute little fluff ball. He is being fostered near his surgical center in Virginia. Apollo has one more surgery before he can be adopted. If you are interested in him, please let us know.
This beautiful boy is doing wonderful since his first surgery. He is using his leg and we think we can do the second operation in the next two weeks. He has grown a lot since we first got him.
This sweet boy is ready for his new home. We think he is a chow mix. He is sweet and loves to be around people and other dogs all the time.