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I am happy to report that we finally have some good news for Barney.   This adorable pup has had the hardest time recovering from the massive infection he had.   We did culture on top of culture on top of culture.  Each time we came up with something different growing.   The antibiotics we were using for one bacteria was not working for the others.   Some of the antibiotics were dangerous for his kidneys, so we had to take extra precaution to protect his organs from further damage.   This has been a vicious cycle of one step forward and two steps back.  Through it all, Barney has been the most precious little Angel that had no earthly idea his Life was leaning toward not surviving this.


We switched his antibiotics one more time, and this one is finally working.  I think the other antibiotics did a lot of good in ridding his body of that particular bacteria and the new antibiotic took care of the most resistant growth that was preventing the tissue from healing.   Barney's wound has finally begun to granulate in, and there are no necrotic edges left to be removed.   When all was said and done, sweet Barney had to be sedated and his wound debrided (dead tissue removed) almost daily for a month.    There was no other way to get his wound to heal.


Proper Wound Care is Critical for an animal to Heal.    If the tissue is not debrided and taken down to where you have viable pink tissue with good blood flow, the wound will NEVER heal or granulate in.  The problems we kept having with Barney was that he was growing too much bacteria that was creating a lot of discharge and drainage.   That draining was also taking a toll on his body.  He had to have transfusions to keep him stable.  This entire process has had each of us, including his Specialists on Red Alert for over a month. 


Barney was in ICU for most of that time because he was so Critical.   His bills were beyond anything you could ever imagine, but we kept on going.  We never gave up or gave in when we took two steps backward.   When you are committed to an animal you have Rescued, you have to keep going forward until you get to the other side.   Barney would have died several times during this process if we did not keep searching for answers.  The good news is that we finally got some results and solutions that worked.


We could have said Good-Bye to Barney at least a dozen times during this process.   Barney was such a determined little pup that he proved to us daily that if we kept going, he would do his part to Heal.    Great Specialists and a very determined little dog is how we got where we are today.   The worst is over for Barney.  His massive wound has about two more weeks before the area is completely healed and all that is left is the fur growing back.    We saved this little Angel.  He has the rest of his Life to be loved unconditionally.


Please, Donate whatever you can so we can Honor our Commitment to pay Barney's Massive Medical Bills to the Specialists that gave him back his Life.   A Life without Barney in it would be unspeakable.    I am so glad we never gave up on him, and the Hospital never gave up on us honoring our Commitments.   Thanks for caring and making his Journey to Heal and find Love, possible.

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