I am happy to report that as of last night the Surgeons feel that Bengal is strong enough to have her leg amputated today. They are going to run full blood panels before surgery but as of now, they feel it is in her best interest to remove the leg. Her white blood count has gone down only slightly which means the infected leg is still pumping the infection into her body. Bengal is on lots of antibiotics, but her system was so depleted that the infection took over. If any of the tests shows that her blood values have dropped again, she will be given another transfusion before surgery. As of now, she is holding her own and her temperature has come up slightly.
Bengal is more aware of her surroundings now that she is getting stronger. Yesterday when they did her bandage change, the debrided area showed good healthy skin around her lower limb where the foot was removed. The foot is still draining but not nearly the amount it was when she came in. Making a prosthetic for her leg is no longer an option because of the infection she has. Saving her Life is our top priority. Therefore, her leg has to go. Removal of the entire leg all the way to the shoulder will be far less painful that doing a partial because no bone will be cut in the process. We will post another update after she has come out of surgery. Her surgery will be later on this afternoon after all of her test results are back.
Say a prayer for sweet Bengal that she is strong enough to survive the surgery. We wouldn't go forward with the procedure if we didn't think it was the best thing medically and mentally for her. She is a sweet girl that needs to be finally free of the leg that has caused her so much pain and suffering. Thanks for sharing and caring about our dear girl. We greatly appreciate the support.