Sweet BLIZZARD was loving Life and having so much fun when the Vet Techs suddenly noticed something was terribly wrong with our sweet girl. They immediately grabbed her and brought her into the hospital area so she could be evaluated. It appeared our sweet girl had either had a seizure or a stroke. She was immediately transferred to the Critical Care / ER Hospital in Charleston, SC so she could be evaluated by Dr. Jason King, our Neurologist. Our sweet girl was stable, but she was not her normal self. It just broke our hearts to see her this way. In the blink of an eye, she went from feeling great and wonderful to being very confused and lethargic. Boxers are not known for having seizures, so we were terribly worried about her.
Dr. King did an MRI and a Spinal Tap so we could find out exactly what was going on. We did not expect to find anything since she had been doing so well. One of our concerns was that she might have been hit by someone on the head since her eye had to be removed from unknown trauma. We just did not know and were thinking of all sorts of possibilities. After four long hours of waiting, we got the worst information of all. Blizzard has a Brain Tumor. Saying we were shocked is an understatement. We have spoken to several of the top Neurologists in the Country and have come up with a plan for sweet Blizzard. She is on steroids now to shrink the tumor and then she will have Brain Surgery to remove the tumor on Wednesday in Charlotte, SC with Dr. Bob Bergman. Both Neurologists think her chances are great given where the tumor is on the brain. Once the tumor has been removed, and her incision has healed, she will get several rounds of radiation to, hopefully, prevent it from coming back. Once the biopsy results come back, we will then know exactly what kind of cancer she has.
Sweet Blizzard seems to be feeling better since the swelling has gone down. The tumor is pushing on an area of the brain that caused the seizure. I am so thankful that we have this amazing dog. The thought of her wandering around deaf, with very little sight and having seizures all alone is heart-breaking. Well, she is not alone any longer, and we are going get her through this next ordeal. Our big Angel has a home waiting for her, and we are going to get her well so she can enjoy the rest of her Life surrounded by unconditional LOVE.
Please, help us with her new medical needs. Blizzard will remain in ICU until she goes to Charlotte, NC on Wednesday. She will remain at the Surgical Facility until she can come back to the Hospital in Columbia. Once she has healed from the surgery, we will then determine the best course of action based on her biopsy results. We were so excited when her biopsies came by normal for the masses that we originally removed. A Brain Tumor is something that completely blind-sided us. Please, keep our sweet girl in your prayers.