I am happy to report the Esophageal Balloon-Dilation Feeding Tube (EBDFT) is working. Caleb was unable to get any food down prior to this amazing surgery. The device enables the practitioner to inflate the balloon with air that stretches and breaks up the stricture that has formed in Caleb's esophagus. The stricture, we believe, is scar tissue that was formed when Caleb had Esophagitis. Animals get this quite often and over 50% of them do not survive because they can no longer take food in and keep it down. The regurgitating of food makes the stricture even worse over time, and the animal has to be put to sleep.
The best news of all is that Caleb is tolerating the dilation procedure without any issues. The first day, the tube had to be manually backed out a little bit because it had formed a kink in the line that an x-ray showed. Periodically, x-rays have to be done to ensure the device is working properly. Caleb is not being fed through the tube but is being fed meatballs from called food that is then given by hand in an upright position. So far, he is tolerating all of it and has not regurgitated once since the procedure. Now that he is feeling better, he is getting a little bit mouthy because he is so hungry. He wants to put everything in his mouth to try and eat it and gets upset when he can't. We have increased his feeding schedule, so he is not so hungry all the time. As you can see from the picture, he loves quality time with his incredible Vet Techs. He particularly loves his night duty nurses.
We are still taking donations for sweet Caleb. Our dear boy is not alone at CVRC. Brodie had to go into ICU for the weekend because of a reaction to the antibiotic he had been on. We also have another Critical Care puppy named Evander that has liver shunt problems that came in with pneumonia on top of his medical condition. We will post them later this week. Always know, it is never just one dog or one puppy but a multitude we are dealing with all at the same time. We just post for one at a time. As of today, we have 18 dogs in hospitals, six of which are in ICU fighting to live. When we ask for help, we need it.
I want Noah's Arks Rescue to go on forever and help animals long after I am gone. That will never happen if I am the main source of funding. I will always do my part to help an animal. It is not in my DNA to not help an animal in need. The problem arises when the volume of Abused Animals takes on such a magnitude that even I can't keep up, and that is saying a lot. When we ask for help, please do whatever you can and if you can't, forward to your animal loving friends.
We have to get the animals adopted that are now well and are ready for their new homes. That will help us out a lot and free up funds for new medical abuse cases. Consider fostering one of our incredible pups to get them socialized for their new home. There are lots of ways to help that do not require money because we pay all expenses. All it requires is a commitment to the animals welfare and a home full of unconditional Love. A Village of Fosters would help us out more than you realize. If you would like to be a Foster, please drop us a note at [email protected]. You will be surrounding yourself and Family with an abundance of LOVE.