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Sweet Carly has had a time of it.   The Specialists have been doing everything possible to save her eyes.  Unfortunately, the infection in the left eye created too much pressure and it burst.   We knew it was going to be a long-shot to save the left one, but we wanted to give the eye every chance possible to heal.  We are now in the process of draining all the infection, so it does not cause further damage.   The right eye is improving, and Carly does have some sight.  


Based on the x-rays we got back, this dear pup has been to Hell and back on lots of occasions.   Her x-rays show that she has residual metal from a gunshot in her shoulder.   She does not appear to be in pain from the would but it is an area we will have to monitor closely.   The other area of concern is she has metal in her abdomen.   We are assuming it is from eating random pieces of garbage to survive but will know more this week.   Her blood levels are still very low, but they are improving each day.  She can take in food and water that is helping her heart and her blood levels normalize.   Now that she is stable, she will be leaving the Savannah Hospital tomorrow to move to the Critical Care Facility in Charleston, SC.   All of her surgeries will be there where she will be closely monitored by a Cardiologist.   At this time, she has been too unstable to be sedated for any further work-ups.


Carly is finally beginning to realize we are not here to hurt her.   Everyone is spending lots of time loving on her, and she is slowing raising her head up for pats on the head instead of cowering and crawling on the floor.  We have posted some videos on her main web page for you to see her walking around.  She is a tiny pocket pitbull that wants nothing more than to be loved and is willing to be beat and tortured to get it.  Our hearts break every time she begins to cower and crawl toward us.   Her days of being tortured are over.  We are going to do everything possible to surround her with love and affection until she forgets the abuse and runs into our arms with no reservations.  


Carly will be thoroughly evaluated under the care of the Specialists this week.  Once they feel she is strong enough for surgery, only then will any procedures be done.   


Her medical care is quite extensive; please make a donation to offset all of her bills before they get out of control.   Thanks for caring and making her Journey to heal and find unconditional Love, possible.

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