CHESTER, SC.....Sweet little Chaz is a tiny eight lb., four-month-old Rat Terrier / Chihuahua Mix that was discarded in someone's yard on the main road in Chester. Animal Control was called because he was badly injured and could not walk. It seems like, for the past month, I am a broken record with the words Cannot Walk. Animal Control was called to pick him up, and we were contacted right after they received him. Chaz was in too much pain to keep him alive in his present state. He had to go to a Surgeon or he needed to be PTS.
We had him brought to our Specialist in Columbia, SC where x-rays were taken. He has a broken pelvis, and his right hip is fractured and dislocated. Chaz is a tiny little bitty baby. He is only eight pounds. If a car had hit him, he would not be here today. Someone either stepped on him or kicked him. It looks more like he was stepped on based on his injuries. The person then discarded him in someone's yard. We have done surgery on his hip and rear leg. Based on his new x-rays, he will probably have to do more surgery. His femoral neck has gone through a period of resorption during the healing process that makes it weak for a while. He is on very restricted exercise and is getting lots of rehab.
Baby Chaz is a tiny pup that is very shy and mild-mannered. He has the personality of a very cautious pup which breaks our hearts to see. It appears he doesn't want to disturb anyone for fear of what might happen. All he wants is to be cuddled and loved on which we do all the time. Chaz will be ready for a wonderful new home in about one month if all goes well with his surgeries. He would make a wonderful additon to any household. He loves all critters big and small and gets along great with everyone. He is a delight to hold and love on. Because of his size, we do not believe he shoud be around small children for fear of being stepped on or a door slammed on him. We are very protective of this adorable litle pup and want to make sure his next home is for Life where he can be loved and adored for the rest of his long Life.
Thanks for caring and being part of his Journey to Walk.