Adorable Chaz has had his pin removed, and is doing well. He has to be on cage rest for the next two weeks so the holes where the pin was will begin to fill in and make the leg stronger. He can go out and do leash walks, but not for long periods fo time. His leg is not quite as solid as we would like for it to be right now which is why we are taking every precaution to give him the best possible outcome. Chaz is the sweetest little pup that wants nothing more than to lay in your lap and nuzzle in your neck. He is a tiny pup with a huge HEART. We can't wait until his cage rest is over so he can get out and run around to his heart's content. During this time, he is also getting Physical Therapy every day to build up his strength. In 10 days we will do more x-rays to see the progress that has been made. We are hopeful it will show a lot of progress so he can be placed in his new forever home. Thanks for being there for the little Angel.