I am happy to report that sweet China is doing incredible and has left NC State Veterinary Hospital. The hospital has already begun her heartworm treatment that will take about six months to rid her body of most of the heartworms. While China was in ICU in critical care, she made lots of friends. Everyone loved her sweet personality. One person, in particular, a Critical Care Vet, decided she liked China so much that she wanted to foster her while she was going through her heartworm treatment. China will have to go back to NC State for her treatments since she has so many heartworms that can compromise her system when they die. Having her stay with a Critical Care Specialists is the best of both worlds for our sweet Angel. We are hoping and praying that sweet China will steal her heart and will be in her forever home.
China is slowly gaining weight and is not having any issues since her hospital stay. It is hard to believe that she went from being on Death's Door to being happy and energetic. Treating dogs that have as many heartworms as China does is very dangerous if the animal is not closely supervised. We are taking every precaution to make sure her treatment does not compromise her body or cause her to have an adverse reaction to the die-off. We will keep everyone updated on her progress when she has her next treatment. Thanks for helping us with sweet China and being part of her amazing Journey to Survive and Thrive.