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CLOUD (Lab Mix)

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After a long wait, Sweet Cloud finally had surgery to repair the fracture in her neck. Following her time at CVRC, Cloud was transferred to Live Oak Veterinary Specialists under the care of our esteemed Neurosurgeon, Dr. Jason King, with the support of our caring community. 


Dr. King's vigilance in monitoring Cloud's progress and his regular communication with the CVRC Neuro Team underscores her treatment's ongoing and complex nature.   Dr. King was confident he could do the surgery to repair her fracture and adjust the fluid from her hydrocephalus.   


The spine comprises small bones called vertebrae, which surround and protect the spinal cord. The first and second vertebrae in the neck are called the atlas and the axis. These two vertebrae form what is called the atlantoaxial joint (AA). Atlantoaxial subluxation is a partial dislocation of the two vertebrae. It occurs when the connection between the first and second vertebrae is unstable and usually results in spinal cord compression.


We do not know what caused Cloud's AA subluxation, but based on how she cowers in certain circumstances, we suspect she was either kicked or hit. AA subluxation can be genetic or occur as a result of trauma and disruption of the connection between these two vertebrae. This condition is more common in toy and small-breed dogs.   


The severity of clinical signs depends on the degree of spinal cord injury. Mild clinical signs include neck pain or an uncoordinated gait. More severely affected animals may be unable to walk.   Cloud's condition became more severe each day she was left untreated.  


Cloud's recovery after her surgery is nothing short of remarkable. She no longer has to wear a brace and has shown no signs of having issues walking. She is still on cage rest for the next four weeks, but her progress fills us with hope and optimism.  


It is hard to believe how much better Cloud is doing. All of her issues have come from an injury that fractured her and caused her to develop hydrocephalus. Our sweet girl will make a fantastic pup for any family that does not have small children. She loves everyone and every dog. She is a fabulous pup in every way.


We are deeply grateful for the support we've received so far. Now, we need to raise funds for her surgical procedure. Every part of her recovery has been beyond expensive. We are raising funds, but we need everyone to please donate. Cloud has her Life back because of all the medical and surgical care she has received. Once she recovers, she can run around and play like other puppies her age.  


Please Donate toward Cloud's medical bills. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in Cloud's Life. Please consider donating and sharing Cloud's story with your friends and family to pay her surgical bill.

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