Adorable Cricket is feeling much better. Her blood values have improved enough for us to remove the main source of her infection which is the balance of the left rear leg up to her hip. We debated for quite a while if it would be better to wait but the infection she had was in her bone and traveling up the leg. The infected leg was causing her body to become septic, and that had to be addressed as soon as possible. The other leg could wait since it was not infected but was contained within the skin of her leg. Several Specialists were involved with the removal to make sure Cricket was not under anesthesia any longer than was necessary. It was a little bit tricky toward the end of the procedure, so they finished quickly and brought her out.
The right rear leg is bandaged with splints so she can use the leg to walk until they can operate on it. When she has recovered from this surgery, the foot will be surgically removed and bandaged until we can have a prosthetic leg made to fit. In the meantime, we have a custom cart being made that will arrive in a couple of weeks. We are also talking to several companies about an orthotic leg that will work for a pup this tiny.
Sweet Cricket is a delight to be around. She loves all the attention and freely gives everyone tons of kisses. The diarrhea she had when she arrived has begun to improve. She loves to eat and is slowly beginning to put weight back on. Every time I think of someone feeding this poor pup in the condition she was found in, my heart aches. I can't even imagine a World where anyone would think ther condition was okay.
The Surgeons have decided that her legs must have gotten caught in a metal kennel. If anything had been tied around her leg, it would still be embedded there. Nothing was found inside her leg, and the circulation had been cut off for quite a long time with her not being able to get free. Eventually, the tissue became necrotic, and the maggots began working on the dead tissue and kept on working. Her right leg probably broke trying to free it and in the process, the tendons eventually separated from the broken bone. The only thing left was the skin that was holding the foot to the upper part of the leg. The foot is not viable, or we would re-attach it.
The only Story we now have of dear Cricket is one of unimaginable pain and suffering and Survival. Her Story will change each day of being a Fighter and a Survivor. The greatest part of her Story which has amazed us all is her unconditional LOVE for everyone and everything. When we put her down, she takes off with her wounded leg as if to say, "I am FREE at last and nothing is going to stop me now."
Cricket has a lot of Recovery and Healing over the next couple of months. She will have to remain in ICU until she is strong enough to get out and all of her Surgery has been done. We will be taking Donations for quite some time for this tiny Angel to make sure all of her Medical and Emotional needs are met. Please, Donate whatever you can to make this possible. Our little Cricket has decided she loves her new Life and everyone in it and is not going anywhere else.