This wonderful 4 year old German Shepherd was brought to the Walter Crowe shelter in Camden, SC because of a lifestyle change. In other words, she was no longer wanted. She is a beautiful sweet girl that has had a terrible life based on the way she looked when she arrived. It was later determined that she was pregnant. She had two puppies that were placed but now she needed to be rescued. A kindhearted foster took her in but was unable to take care of her many medical needs. She has several large mammary gland tumors and also has several ovarian cyst the size of your fist that need to be removed or her life will be very short lived with them. She is also high HW positive. We took her into our medical program so she can get the medical care that she so desperately needed. She had two and half hours of surgery on Thursday and is doing much better than we had expected. Her tumors and cyst were huge and required extensive surgery to seal the incision sights because of their size. Diamond is one of the sweetest dogs that doesn’t even realize how bad her life has been so far. She is so appreciative of anyone that stops to pet and love on her. She is a beautiful gentle soul that deserves a wonderful life with someone that will never abandon her and will take care of her for the rest of her life.
Diamond has gone to a wonderful foster family that will be pampering her for a long time. She is doing great since her surgery and is not having any problems. Her surgery was almost three hours long and was quite extensive. We thought she would be feeling terrible for a long time but that has not been the case with her. We are amazed how well she is doing. We got her biopsy back and it was positive for cancer. We are going to watch her to see if she develops any new tumors and if she does we will have them removed. Her spirits are great for this sweet girl and she is just glad to have people loving on her all day long.
Look how great Diamond looks below. He is doing wonderful.