Sweet DIXIE has had a long road of recovery to heal the burns all over her body. The biggest problem is the skin was so damaged in areas the tissue would not heal properly. We held off as long as we could doing special wound care on her wounds before deciding if she needed surgery. Unfortunately, her Medical Team decided the wounds were getting too tight and hard for her to have a good quality of Life, so we opted for surgery.
Once the surgeon sedated sweet Dixie, she was able to manipulate the wounds and determine which ones were restricting her movements. Her left side was fine, but her right side was restricting her movement and causing her a lot of pain. The areas over her knee and in the top inside of her leg were the most significant problem areas. The skin had been damaged so severely it was becoming hard and tight. It had to be completely cut away to reveal viable tissue.
Dixie is a puppy that is still growing. She now has a chance for the entire right side to heal and stretch as she grows. Since we have had her, she has grown quite a lot. Dixie is not going to be a big pup, but she is going to be a medium-sized dog that loves to run and play. We will each be jumping for joy, the day she does not have to wear a cone. She hates the cone but tolerates it. The cone keeps her from licking and irritating the areas.
She has become a Houdini in getting out of the cones. We have come up with the best possible solutions for her enjoyment and to keep the wounds clean, and an hour later, the cone is off, and she is removing staples. We have had to accept the fact, the cone is not forever and not let her sweet, droopy eyes convince us otherwise.
This sweet pup has a heart of gold that would not hurt a fly. How anyone could abuse and neglect an Angel as sweet and loving as Dixie is beyond me. The best news is she has had her surgery and did well during the procedure. Her staples will be removed in 10 - 12 days as long as the area is still holding. We did discover the area bled a lot after surgery, but today the area is improving. Burned tissue is not like regular skin. It heals very different and has a hard time healing.
Yesterday I was concerned not enough damaged tissue was removed, but today I see a significant improvement in the healing process. Dixie's Medical bills are mounting again with her latest procedure. Please, Donate whatever you can so we can get this special pup well and into a Home for the Holidays.