RIDGELAND, SC.....Dolly Parton is a two-month-old white Husky Mix that was picked up on the side of the road by Jasper Animal Rescue Mission. When she arrived, she had blood coming from her vulva, and she would not walk. We agreed to take her and had her taken to Carolina Vet. Specialists in Matthews, NC. We had x-rays taken, which showed that Dolly had a Luxated Hip. The Surgical Team put Dolly's hip back in place and then waited to see if it stayed. The hip joint luxated again which told them she would have to have an FHO (Femoral Head Ostectomy) once she was feeling better.
Cute does not begin to describe this adorable pup that also is DEAF. I am not convinced she was hit by a car. One thing is for sure, she was abandoned on the side of the road with her hip out of joint. She does not appear to have any internal injuries and is as happy as sweet as a puppy could be. Her lack of hearing does not hold her back. All she wants to do is roll around and play now that she is on pain meds.
The Hip was put back in one more time, but it also did not hold so she was scheduled for her FHO. Dr. Michelle Nanfelt did Dolly's surgery and also checked her out thoroughly when she was sedated to make sure there were no other injuries. The small amount of blood from her vulva had stopped and appeared to be from some trauma that did not have any injury related to it of that the hip being luxated.
Dolly had done beautifully since her surgery and can now get up and move around without any problems from her hip surgery. She is on restricted exercise while her hip heals but loves to roll around with the other pups and chew on everything in sight. I forgot how sharp puppies teeth and nails were until she latched onto my finger and then proceeded to go after my shoe laces like they were the greatest thing since Treats. We have enjoyed having a puppy around but a lot fo the DOGS at the Rehab Center think we have lost our head since they are the ones always being chased and chewed on by Dolly.
I am sure we will not have any problem finding this adorable pup a home, but now we have to pay for her Medical Bills to cover her ER stay and her FHO Surgery. An FHO and ER for a small pup comes in right around $5000. without complications. Please, Donate whatever you can so we can help more pups like Dolly get the Medical Care they need to survive. Thanks for caring.