BALTIMORE, MD......We were contacted about an adorable 5-month-old Pitbull Mix puppy that was turned into BARCS in Baltimore. Little Elsa had been brought into the Baltimore Shelter to be put to sleep because the Owners could not pay for her injuries. They said she fell down the basement stairs and damaged her front legs. The Shelter had her legs x-rayed and spoke to several surgeons and Elsa was in danger of losing both front limbs which is why we stepped up for her. No one wanted to put this sweet dog down, but they also did not have anyone willing to help her. They reached out to everyone and came up empty. They reached out to me, and I asked for all of her records to send to my Specialists. I thought she deserved to be saved and given the best possible chance, so I agreed to take her.
Little Elsa's records indicated she had a terrible break in one of her front legs that have calcified and is not longer functional. It is an old injury that went untreated for far too long. That leg was going to have to be amputated. Her left leg had some hyperextension that ultimately, may need Carpal Arthrodesis Surgery. Elsa is a puppy, and her growth plates are open making arthrodesis less than ideal right now. Little Elsa did more than take a little tumble down a flight of stairs based on her injuries. Her injuries are more in line with falling off the basement stairs instead of rolling down the stairs. Hyperextension comes from the animal trying to break a fall and in the process, the ligaments are extended beyond a normal limit along with the joints.
We are going to amputate Elsa's right leg and then have a Custom Brace made for her left leg to allow her growth plates to develop fully. During that time the brace will protect her Carpal area and take some of the major weight off the only leg she has left on the front. If Elsa does not develop normally after her surgery, we will then consider doing a Carpal Arthrodesis which is the surgical elimination of joint motion and, ultimately, bony fusion of joint surfaces.
Elsa is a delightful puppy that is so full of herself. She is all pitty puppy with the biggest Bunny Rabbit ears you will ever see. Her Family should have gotten her help right after the injuries happened. We don't know what happened, but I do know rolling down stairs does not cause this type of injury. We are going to give little Elsa the best possible chance to have a great Life. Removing her right leg is only one part of the equation. Her left leg is going to have to heal before we know if we can save it. We are taking every precaution by having a Custom Orthotic Splint made. That will give us time to allow her leg to heal and her growth plates to close.
Please, help us with adorable Elsa's Medical Bills. Elsa has her entire Life ahead of her, and this is the only way that is possible. Thanks for caring and making her Journey to walk again possible.