ELSIE (Poodle)

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12/19/2017 - 06:40 PM
  • 04/23/2018 - 02:18 PM
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  • 12/19/2017 - 06:40 PM
  • 12/19/2017 - 06:40 PM
  • 12/11/2017 - 11:25 AM
  • 12/08/2017 - 05:32 PM

The transformation of adorable Elsie is a Miracle.   Her Life of dragging around an infected tumor and being on her own for so long was something we were not sure Elsie could come back from.  Her Specialists were guarded at best and were not sure we should even put her under to remove the tumors.  All of the bloodwork came back abnormal even for an older dog.


Everything about Elsie that I knew was that she needed to be given a chance.   Below all the matted fur and tumors was a young pup that needed a chance.   Just one chance to see what her body would do given the proper medical care and unconditional LOVE.   Elsie did remarkably well during her surgery and has done well ever since.


Her Beauty, Grace, and Spunk for Life are all we see now.   Elsie is a fabulous pup that acts like she is two years old.  She loves to run and play and go for long walks.  After her walks, she curls up in your lap and sleeps with her head on your shoulder.  Fabulous does not even begin to describe this beautiful girl.  How anyone could allow her to get in the terrible situation she was in is something I cannot even imagine.


Elsie is perfect in every way.  She has some of the best manners we have ever seen.  She waits patiently for us to feed her, comes when called and gives kisses to everyone she meets.  We have several people interested in adopting dear Elsie.   We are each so attached to Elsie that we are going to be sad to see her go but happy she will have her very own home.   Merry Christmas, Elsie.  Your Forever Home is right around the Corner.


Thanks for helping us with this amazing little dog.   She is a fabulous Save, and YOU made it possible.  

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