Our sweet Gemima Rose (Gemmi) is doing wonderful since her surgery. We have still not heard the results from the biopsy, and that should be back by the end of the week. This sweet pup certainly feels better, and her mouth is 1000% healthier. She should have been taken to the vet years before her teeth got so bad they abscessed and rotted. The tumor on the side of her mouth should have been treated before it ruptured. It seems like there were several defining moments when Gemmi's life could have taken a different turn. There are a lot of Vets that are willing to help people in need when it comes to their animals. I only wish this Family had reached out to one of them or to Friends and Family to get her pups the medical care they so desperately needed.
Gemmi has lost most of her teeth, but it doesn't appear to be affecting her eating. She is on a soft diet that keeps the incisions in her mouth from opening up. Gemmi and her buddy Shadow are doing great. They have been together for the past nine years, and we are hopeful we will be able to place them together. I will be posting for sweet Shadow next.
We have not even come close to getting the Donations we need to cover Gemmi's Medical Needs. If her tumor comes back cancer, we will need even more funds to cover her treatment. Gemmi is feeling so much better since we have taken care of her mouth that she is acting like a much younger dog. Thanks for caring and making her Journey to Survive and find Love, Possible. We greatly appreciate your Love and Support.