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06/20/2012 - 05:49 PM
  • 06/20/2012 - 05:49 PM

DECATUR, GA.....Sweet GEORGIA is a two year old Bulldog mix that was picked up as a stray in DeKalb County and taken to the shelter.  She is emaciated and has a Prolapsed Rectum.  She is very thin and probably had a terrible case of parasites which caused the initial prolapse.  She was neglected and allowed to be in unbelievable pain because the person that was supposed to take care of her decided she didn't mattered. A simple de-wormer could have prevented this. The doctors at the shelter tacked the rectum up twice and each time it prolapsed again.  Georgia had a rescue that was going to take her and then decided they didn't want her.  What that means is that a week has gone by without our wonderful network of Rescue Friends posting to save her life because she was safe when someone said they would take her.  Now a week has gone by, her time is UP and she is sicker now than ever.  If a Rescue Group says they are going to take an animal, no matter what, they need to take the animal.  What happens is that the animal you have put your name on is now not being circulated for help.  By the time the Rescue Community finds out the animal is not safe, their time is up and they are euthanized.  If you say you are going to take an animal, take the animal to save it and then if you have problems put the word out to the Rescue Community for help but don't allow her to be euthanized. That is what was going to happen to GEORGIA.  We were contacted, as we are for thousands of abused animals that have been left behind.  Georgia was picked up and brought to a surgical facility in Columbia, SC where she had Emergency Surgery last night to save her life.  She had to have a section of her rectum removed because her condition had gone so long without being properly treated.  She is scheduled to have Rectal Colpopexy surgery this morning when she is spayed. She is not out of the woods yet but has a great chance at living a wonderful life with a caring Family that will love and adore her.


Georgia is doing incredible.  Once we got her in and had her emergency surgery, she began to feel better immediately.  Georgia is one of the sweetest dogs and loves everyone.  She knows certain commands and is always ready to please by doing something special for a treat.  The minute you look at her, she will run up to you, give kisses and then sit down patiently.  She obviously belonged to someone that had taught her this.  She has not had any problems since her surgery.  When animals have a prolapse as severe as this, they need to go to a surgical facility that knows how to fix the problem and not just do a tack.  Tacking is a temporary fix that can also damage the tissue when done several time. That is what happened to Georgia.  Our wonderful little Georgia will make the best family pet for some lucky person.  If you are interested, please, fill out our Adoption Application.  


Sweet GEORGIA is having a few complication and has been at the surgical center a lot this week.  Her surgery is successful but she seems to have an Irritable Bowel problem we are having to deal with.  She is going to a specialist this coming week to see what they recommend.  She is still as sweet as ever and such a delight.  We are doing everything we can to keep her comfortable.


Georgia was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease for dogs.  She has been seeing a specialist and we are finally getting her inflammatory bowels under control.  We just adore this sweet girl and want her to have only the best we can offer for her.  She is so much better and will soon be able to go to a special home.


Sweet GEORGIA is still prolapsing and is having Colpopexy surgery this morning to pull her rectum further inside to prevent this.    An adorable little dog.  


Georgia is in the Emergency Room from complications from surgery.  She threw a clot after her surgery the day before and went into Cardiac Arrest.  She is getting round the clock care to save her life.  We brought her back and are now ridding her lungs of fluid as best we can.  We are completely heart-broken about this wonderful little girl.  Please, send lots of PRAYERS her way.  She is in an OXYGEN CHAMBER in ICU below.


Georgia is finally out of ICU and is breathing on her own.  The worst is

over and we feel good about our adorable GEORGIA.


Sweet GEORGIA is doing wonderful.  She is as sweet as ever and so bubbly and happy to be alive.  This little ball of joy is the biggest fighter we have ever seen.  She never gave up and we never gave up.



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