Jelly Bean is an example of putting Humpty-Dumpty back together again. This poor pup has been broken in all the wrong places. All through the week-end she had surgery to repair the areas that were fractured and broken. The entire time, she did nothing but want to give kisses and play. She would be sedated for the surgery and the minute she came out and was awake, her beautiful eyes woul open and she was ready to play. We are keeping her comfortable with pain meds but not so much that all she wants to do is sleep. She is very aware of her surroundings, and anyone that walks by is fair game for her to lure you into her ICU kennel for non-stop kisses and love. This little pup does not have one mean bone in her body. How anyone could abuse her the way she has been abused is beyond criminal. Jelly Bean is a puppy, and all she wants to do is play. We are all amazed at how stoic when faced with the horrible pain she has endured. Because she had multiple leg injuries, they had to be done at different times. We wanted her to get comfortable on one leg and begin to use it before we went to the next leg. Her ability to bounce back from the surgeries is because she is so young and healthy otherwise. If this had happened to an older dog, we would not be seeing the results we are with her. Jelly Bean still has a long way to go in her recovery. She has months of rehab ahead to make to make sure her legs and hips stay in proper alignments. She is just so darn sweet and cute that it is hard to do anything but wrap your arms around her and let her cuddle and sleep.
We do not know what is happening with her criminal investigation. We have forwarded all of her medical information to the Investigator in charge. We let them do their job so we can do ours and get this sweet pup well. It will be a while before Jelly Bean can run around and play. She wants to, but her little body is too fragile after the surgeries. She has to be kept calm and is only allowed brief leash walks to go to the bathroom.
Jelly Bean's bills piled up quickly with all of the surgeries she required. The amount of donations we received was not enough to cover even one of her surgeries. Please, help us pay her bills so she can move on to the next stage of her recovery which is extensive rehab. She will be getting daily rehab to keep her legs from getting stiff, and her muscles from atrophying.
Her surgeries are complete, and now her Journey to recover her ability to walk free of pain has begun. How she was ever able to walk before is a testament to her will to live. The pain she endured had to have been horrible. Every step she took and every time she had to go to the bathroom had to have been excruciating. She now has a chance at living a normal Life because of your Generosity. Thanks for caring and making her Journey possible.