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HAZELHURST, GEORGIA.... No matter how hard I try to understand the Human Race, I am always left wondering why anyone would choose violence and abuse over compassion.  On one end of the spectrum, a dog is abandoned on someone's property, and they post the information about the dog with lots of pictures.   Sweet, loving, and wants nothing more than to be pet on the head.  The family can't keep the dog we call Jubilee, so they did the post.   They do not have a fenced-in yard, and Jubilee loves chasing their farm animals.  Jubilee took off after a deer one afternoon and was never seen again.  That was in July of this year.


Next, other posts say a sweet dog was seen in the Townes Bluff area by the river. Jubilee would approach people and was nothing but sweet and loving. It's heartbreaking to think that no one picked her up and took her to Animal Control. Given her lovely nature, I guarantee they would have found her a wonderful home.


This is now the beginning of October and tragedy strikes.  The following post for Jubilee was of a dog that had been shot in the face and needed Medical Care.  Now, everyone is jumping up and down to get her help.  A rescue we work with in Vidalia, GA, asked if I would consider taking Jubilee and doing all her surgery.  My first response was we are way too full, and the ones we have are at an age where they need a lot of medical.  I said to send me all their information on her, and then I would decide if I could help.   Two minutes later, I was on the phone saying I would take her.  I would not turn my back on her when so many good-hearted people let her down by not ensuring she was safe.


We are guessing Jubilee is around three years old and has had a litter of puppies in the last six months.  Her injuries look like someone put a gun in her mouth and fired.  She has bullet fragments in her jaw from the impact.  The gunshot took out part of her jaw and teeth on the right side.  As you can see from the pictures someone posted, Jubilee is still loving and wants nothing but kindness.  She is still unafraid of humans and gently craves attention by rolling over on her back and smiling.


It breaks my heart that someone purposely put a gun in her mouth and FIRED.   Such an innocent, trusting Soul that would not hurt a fly.  I get upset just typing this because she trusts everyone she meets, only to be brutally harmed.


We had Jubilee taken to CVRC in Charleston, SC, where everyone was horrified by what someone had done to her. Jubilee has a stubbed tail that never stops wagging.  It twirls around in a constant circle of love and delight for everyone she meets.  Because she has metal in her jaw, we had to do a CAT scan instead of an MRI to determine how bad the damage was and what could be done.  After a lengthy conversation with her surgeon and discussing all of her options, I decided her damage was too extensive to put a plate in, and an external fixture would cause further discomfort since she would catch it on everything.  


I approved surgery to debride the area, remove loose and damaged teeth, and put her jaw in as normal a position as possible, given the extent of her injuries.  After surgery, she would have to wear a small mouth muzzle to keep her jaw in place but big enough to eat a slurry of food.  We kept her in the hospital for a while to make sure she did not have any issues with eating and to get rid of the infection she had from her injuries.


Jubilee did great with the procedure and has slowly shown significant progress in the stability of her jaw.  She has gained weight and is loving her slurry of food.   When she runs around, we take the muzzle off briefly so she can open her mouth and pant.  We want to keep the mobility in the joint of her mouth but protect her jaw.  Jubilee will be in the muzzle for another month, and then an x-ray will be done to determine if her jaw is stable or needs more surgery.  We hope that she will develop more bone and heal beautifully.  We are certainly doing our part to make sure that happens.  Only time will tell if she needs surgery to stabilize the jaw.


In the meantime, we have to cover her medical care and surgery. Please donate to this beautiful pup and give her the Life she always wanted—to be part of a Family that loved and adored her and cherished her unconditional loving Spirit.

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