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Finally, I have wonderful news.   Our little Angel Lily Beth is out of ICU.   It is hard to believe she was in there for three weeks fighting for her Life with no sign she was ever going to make it out alive.    Her final report on Distemper came back NEGATIVE, which enabled her to be moved out of isolation into regular ICU.   I saw her and was so glad to finally get to hold her.   Unfortunately, by the time I got home to post the wonderful news, her blood levels had dropped dramatically, and she was in the process of getting a blood transfusion.   My heart sank with the realization this could be it for this tiny little pup.    Her levels were so low that we had to cut back on taking blood for her much-needed tests.  What we had hoped wouldn't happen, was happening.   She had been critical for so long that her body quit producing red blood cells.  She was in the final stages of shutting down.   It took a day for the transfusion to start doing it's magic.   Lily Beth suddenly began to be a puppy again.   She became animated and started chewing on her kennel and anything she could sink her teeth into.   She began to eat anything that was put in front of her.   She even wanted to play with the stuffed animals in her kennel.   To see her now, you would never know she had been as sick as she was.   It is hard to believe the difference since we have watched her hourly for the last three weeks barely able to hold her head up.   The best news of all is that her constant nasal discharge has finally stopped (no more nose blowing bubbles for this little girl).   The best news of all is that she got to leave the hospital with her original Foster.    She is now cuddled up in the arms of a HUMAN.   The worst is over for dear Lily Beth.  We now have to build back her strength and immune system while she grows into an amazing little dog to be loved and cherished.


Three weeks in ICU / Isolation with 24-hour care has wiped us out.  If you have not donated toward Lily Beth's extensive medical bills or can donate more, we would greatly appreciate it.   I would not change a thing with her care.  She is here today because of her extensive medical care.   Without it, she would only be a sad story to be told not a Life to be Lived.  Thanks for playing a big part in her Journey to Survive and Thrive.  We greatly appreciate your prayers and generosity.

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