Sweet Lucy is one of the best dogs. How anyone could every allow this pup to be in harm's way is horrible. She is a tiny four pound Angel wrapped in fur. Both of Lucy's Scapulas have been rebuilt. They were equally crushed into tiny pieces that had to be sewn back together with suture material because they were too delicate to wire.
Lucy has shown us all what a fighting spirit she has by still being alive with the damage she had. It is now almost five days after surgery, and our little girl has begun to walk on her front legs. We are keeping her comfortable but not overly sedated, so she does not over-do it. We are each amazed how well she is doing. You would never know her little body had been crushed based on how she looks now. I can't wait until a couple of months has passed and we do x-rays to see how well she is healing. It is going to be amazing to see the two x-rays side by side. One with crushed shoulders and the other with shoulders in the proper place healing.
Each Scapula required a major operation to put it back together. Having one broken scapula is bad enough but two crushed ones is a lot to deal with. Lucy may be tiny, but the cost of doing her surgeries was probably the most expensive we have seen in a long time. Her bills were close to $15,000 because of how complicated her case was and the fact she was critical when she came in. Now that is a big bill for us to swallow on one little pup. All of our dogs have big bills over time, but they are usually not this big all at once. If you have not Donated, please, donate so we can get a handle on her on-going care to make sure all of her Medical needs are met. People ask me all the time (if given what I know about the pup and the costs incurred) if I had it to do all over, would I make the same decision to Rescue. The answer is always the same, a resounding YES.
We have never turned our backs on a pup we have taken in, and we are not going to start now. Putting little Lucy back together was a huge undertaking. She would not be here today if we had not stepped up for her. Stepping up for an animal carries a big responsibility for us. We agree to do WHATEVER is required NO MATTER the cost to make sure the animal always gets the best Medical Care and Love that is possible. Please, give whatever you can to help us with her Bills.