Sweet Muggs has been the best patient. I can't even begin to tell you how painful 2nd and 3rd degree burns are. Our sweet girl is sedated and comfortable during all of the surgical procedures. We are now only having to do one bandage change a day. Most of the burns have declared themselves. We only have a few areas that we are not sure if the tissue will completely die or regenerate healthy tissue. The areas that have become necrotic already have been removed. We are prepared to do skin grafts in the larger areas once the edges have become viable. We have to have healthy tissue to join healthy tissue or the graft will not take. The best news of all is that we think we have saved most of the pads on her feet. Only one foot is still giving us problems. The pad has not yet declared itself. We keep cleaning and bandaging and doing all we can to create an environment where the pad is healthy and viable enough to grow and granulate. Because Muggs has so much dead tissue that is exposed she has to stay in Critical Care to prevent infection from entering the wounds. The next two weeks are just as important as the first week. We have to keep her body fluids regulated and her wounds clean and viable. So far we have been able to keep her infection level down. That is only because of the extra caution we are taking and keeping her in a controlled environment. All the wounds on her body are vulnerable to Staph Infections. We are taking every precaution possible to keep that from happening. We will post another update in a couple of days once we get more of her bloodwork back and more tissue has either died or started to regenerate. Please, keep our dear girl in your prayers. Muggs daily bills are extremely costly. She is where she is because this is the best place for her to get the best outcome. That comes at a high price even after our big discount. PLEASE, help us as much as you can for her. We get no funding from any government source. We are Donation based only and we have no Employees. In other words, we are all Volunteers that do everything we can to save the animals we take in. What we do not raise, I personally take care of to make sure all of the animals get the best possible care. Please, share Muggs courageous journey to survive this horrible ordeal.