NANUQ is such a fabulous dog. It breaks our heart to see him struggle with all of the breaks he has endured. We have already repaired and pinned the main break he had. The biggest problem he is having now is that his pelvis is very unstable because of his fractured sacrum which is causing him terrible pain. We are keeping him as comfortable as possible without knocking him out all the way. Nanuq's injuries were so extensive that we had to move him to a different facility where he is getting Physical Therapy and Rehab all throughout the day. The objective is to get him moving without irritating the areas that have been damaged. We have another Orthopedic Surgeon evaluating him today to make sure there is not more we can do to stabilize the areas that are giving him the most discomfort.
Sweet Nanuq is the sweetest dog. He LOVES everyone and would be in your lab 24/7 if we would allow it. He has a way of sneaking in your lap and planting his big body in such a way that you can't get up. He plays Dead Dog extremely well when it comes to getting him to move. He then plays the Sad Dog even better until he gets his way and is all smiles again. We love this big Goof-Ball and are doing everything we can to get him better. Getting him comfortable is going to be a constant battle for the next month given the sacrum area is loaded with nerves that constantly hurt.
Our sweet boy is going to be the best Family dog once we get him well. We have had no issues with him and other dogs. He is going to be in the hospital for several more months healing before he can be placed in a home. If you think this sweet boy is perfect for your Family, please, fill out our Adoption Application online. Thanks for caring and being part of his Journey to Walk again.