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We hope everyone had a very Special Holiday Season.  We were very busy at Noah's Arks Rescue saving animals because of so many Shelters closing and euthanizing animals in need of Medical Care.  Sweet Nickel is the first animal we will post for in 2016, but there are many more we have taken in.  You will notice them by their Holiday Names.  Thanks for all you do for our animals in need.  We would not be here without your love and support.  We are forever grateful and blessed to have you.


DeKALB, GEORGIA.....We were sent an e-mail late during the Holidays about a stray dog that was picked up with a massive tumor.   He was a five-year-old Pitbull that needed a Rescue commitment now based on the size of his tumor.  We got the ball rolling and had sweet Nickel picked up and brought to our Specialists in Charleston, SC.  Unfortunately, the tumor was so large and angry that it burst right outside of Charleston.  This poor boy wiped out ICU when he arrived.  Everyone was horrified when they saw what condition he was in.  It took all night to get him stable and comfortable.   During the night, it was discovered that he also had Kennel Cough and an upper respiratory infection and had to be placed in isolation.  The surgeons looked over this sweet, sweet boy and determined he had to get well before any surgery could be done.   They also had to stretch enough skin from around the tumor so the area could be closed after it was removed.  To say sweet Nickel has a lot going on is an understatement.  The good news is that we do not see any other tumors.  


How anyone could allow something that looks like this to continue to grow and get this big is something I will NEVER understand.  Even if you don't have a penny to your name, you could, at least, reach out for help.  No one in their right mind would ever turn their back on an animal in this condition.   Dr. Jennifer Au at Carolina Veterinary Specialists will be doing scans on Nickel tomorrow and will hopefully be able to do his surgery.   The ONLY reason it would not happen is if they see something in his lungs that would prevent him from having anesthesia.  Today they are feeling good about the surgery and having enough skin to close the wound.  


The pictures are very graphic.  DO NOT click on those that are shaded if you do not have a very strong stomach.  They are very graphic and disturbing.  What we have shown is all anyone needs to see.   


Nickel loves everyone.  He is the sweetest, happiest boy you will ever meet.  We have not seen any problems when he has been around other dogs or people.  All he wants to do is wag his tail all day long and get out of quarantine.  He loves giving kisses and curling up in your lap.  Once he is well, he will make someone very happy when he joins their Family.


Sweet Nickel has suffered enough with this tumor.  It is time for this amazing dog to get his Life back.   Please, help us with his extensive Medical and Surgical bills.   We are all Nickel has to get well.   Once the tumor is removed, we can then send it off for a biopsy to see what we have to do next to give him a long Life.  PLEASE, Donate toward his Medical Bills.

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