Sweet Nickel has been in isolation recovering from Kennel Cough. The surgeons decided it was best to wait until there is no sign of it in his chest. In the meantime, it gives the skin around the tumor time to stretch as much as possible before the tumor is removed. The more skin we have, the better our chances will be for the repair to remain closed without pulling apart. The other issue is having skin so tight that it distorts the animal, and they are uncomfortable from tissue pulling. We do have to worry about that happening now. We have managed to stretch enough skin so it can be closed without any further issues. If you look at the pictures we just posted, you can see how limp the tumor is now that the entire area has been stretched.
Did we mention how sweet Nickel is? He is a big Love Bug that loves everyone. He is cleared for Surgery later today. The Surgeons feel he ready and will not have any further delays. We would rather put off doing surgery on an animal than risk having complications.
We know it is hard for people after the Holidays to donate. The sad part is that abused animals are happening all the time. There is no time frame when we are not being asked to help an abused animal that no one else wants. Please, DONATE whatever you can so we can get Nickel's Medical Bills down. He hasn't even had surgery yet, and we can't even cover 50% of the bills he already has.
Thanks for making Nickel's Journey to find love and heal possible. He is a very special boy that deserves his chance at a long Life. Thanks for caring.