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OZZIE (Cattle Dog)

We have had Ozzie for almost three months doing lots of rehab to see if we could restore his front left leg to where he could use it for something more than occasional balance.   He has learned to shake with it, but after that, the leg flops all over the place.   Having Ozzie shake all day long with us is the reason it took three months to make this decision.   We have decided the removal of the leg would be in Ozzie's best interest.


When Ozzie runs, the leg is more of a hindrance than a support system.  By removing the leg, he can begin to balance his body when he runs instead of compensating for a non-functioning leg.   Dr. Rachel Seibert at CVRC will be doing one more evaluation before she removes the leg to make sure that is what is best for Ozzie.


The best news is his rear leg that was repaired has healed beautifully during this time, and he does not favor that leg at all.  He uses the leg as if he never had reconstructive surgery on it.  It is hard to believe how healthy Ozzie is now compared to how broken he was when he arrived.  We have also started his Heartworm Protocol injections.  He has his final two injections in two weeks, and then he can go to his wonderful new home.


Sweet does not even begin to describe this fantastic dog.  He loves everyone he meets and has made some very special friends while at Noah's Arks Rescue.  Ozzie makes friends wherever he goes.   I wish we had a thousand Ozzie's, but then I am glad we don't because they would all be abused or neglected and that we do not want for any animal.


Please, Donate toward Ozzie's Amputation and his Heartworm Treatment so he can move on to the next phase of his Life where he will be loved and adored for the rest of his Life.  Thanks for caring and making his Journey to heal and find Love, possible.

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