I can't believe I have to write this note, but sweet Remi is back in ICU. Remi has vasculitis and peripheral edema that is suspected to be immune mediated as a result of the severe illness and physiologic stress. Remi's Specialists have submitted blood to evaluate for antibodies against his red blood cells and platelets, as well as a skin biopsy. They are monitoring his anemia to determine if he may require another transfusion. Over the next couple days, we will make a decision about having to start additional immunomodulatory medications to treat his vasculitis. Right now, our dear boy feels terrible and has been put back on fluids to get his fever down.
We were all so excited when he was finally able to leave the hospital. For five days, he gained some of his weight back and was a happy go lucky boy again. Unfortunately, that was short-lived. We have come so far with him. He is still so much better than he was ten days ago. We thought for sure we were going to lose him then. What we have to look out for now is Remi developing IMHA (Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia) or organ damage. Unfortunately, only time will tell us if he develops this. Please, keep Remi in your prayers. He is an amazing dog that does not deserve all that he has been going through for the last three weeks. We were over-joyed when he finally got out of ICU. It meant Remi was doing better, and the huge bills would stop. Sadly, he is back in ICU and so are the big bills.