I am happy to report that Dr. Jason King at Live Oak Veterinary Neurology in Savannah, GA, agreed to do Sky's shunt procedure. Dr. King had been waiting for Sky to stabilize after pulling a significant amount of cerebral spinal fluid initially. If Sky did not show any signs the fluid loss made a difference, she would not be a candidate for a shunt.
The first thing we noticed after the CSF fluid was pulled was how much better she could move around. She no longer went in circles and was able to walk in a straight line. She was wobbly, but that was to be expected. We later noticed that she seemed to have more of a blink reflex when we got near her eyes.
After a week, we discovered she seemed to be going in the opposite direction and started to walk in circles again. Sky was not as bad as when we initially received her, but she began to do circles. That was enough information for Dr. King to agree Sky would benefit by having a shunt placed.
He also informed us the shunt manufacturer donated a shunt for Sky's procedure. That was all we needed to hear. The surgery was already costly without the cost of the shunt added. We took Sky to Savannah for her surgery on Tuesday.
Dr. King was able to do the procedure without any complications. A ventriculoperitoneal shunt was placed on the left side of Sky. Dr. King used a combination of sharp and blunt dissection to enter the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneal catheter was inserted and fed into the abdominal cavity through the defect. Excess fluid from the brain will now have the ability to drain into the abdominal area, where it will be excreted in her urine.
Sky had to stay in ICU for four days in Savannah while she was observed to make sure enough fluid was being drained. She had 24-hour care during this process in case she had a seizure. No abnormal activity was observed, and she was allowed to come back to us at our Rehab facility.
Sky was remarkably better after her surgery and remained that way until a week had passed. We noticed she was not able to right herself after falling over, which she could do before. Dr. King was contacted, and he had us bring Sky back so he could adjust the shunt pressure. The shunt setting was confirmed at 30mmHg and then increased to 50mmHg, decreasing the amount of fluid that was being drained.
Sky was observed during the night in ICU and was brought back to us this morning. As Dr. King pointed out, our sweet Angel will never be normal but should have a good Quality of Life once we get her shunt regulated and her brain heals from having the Hydrocephalus.
We desperately need everyone to Donate toward this special pup. For some reason, Sky is getting very little in donations, and her bills are exorbitant. Shunt surgery and all of the diagnostics that have to be done before any procedure can be performed are incredibly costly. I know why most Rescues never take on this type of case, but we are not like other Rescues. We do whatever is called for (No Matter the Cost) if it will help one of our pups get the Medical Care they need to have a good Quality of Life. Please, Help Us, Help Sky by Donating.