I decided it was better to give sweet Snuffy time to adapt to his situation and allow his body to begin the healing process before I did another update. For the first 48 hours, there was no improvement. This little pup did not want to do anything other than looking at you with the most soulful eyes as if to say "What the Hell happened?" He did not want to make any attempt to move. Late yesterday was the first time his adorable personality began to come out. With help from the magnificent Vet Techs looking after him, he started to move his rear legs. In the video I am posting, you can hear them cheering him on in amazement.
Snuffy has NO feeling in his legs at this time. The movement we are seeing is what we call Spinal Walking. A lot of dogs learn to walk without the feeling in their legs and count on their brain to move the legs forward. The walking is usually very spastic, but it is a form of walking. Our hope is that Snuffy will keep moving his legs to keep the memory alive of walking. We are very hopeful he will get feeling back in his legs. He cannot use the bathroom without help from the Vet Tech expressing his bladder and bowel. The main issue with this type of care is that he has to be expressed at set times to make sure he does not retail urine and get an infection and also get uncomfortable. The other reason is because we do not want his bladder to expand more than normal to keep him from becoming incontinent.
The video of Snuffy tells a story of a very determined little dog that wants to walk. It also shows us that he is a fighter and is not going to be stopped from being a puppy that wants to play. Even while sitting in one position unable to move, he will play and smooch with anyone that is near. He is placed right in the Center of the Neurology Team, so he is constantly being loved on and watched for any signs of distress. His every need has to be taken care of by the Staff at this time. As he gets stronger, he will be able to move around by using his front legs and a cart.
Snuffy's case is so sad because this should have never happened. NO animal deserves to be abused the way this amazing little dog was. Dogs love unconditionally. Puppies do not know what an enemy is and will go up to anyone for a pat on the head. The fact a person did this intentionally makes the act that more horrific. We have still not received any information that could lead to an arrest. I am hopeful there is someone out there that realizes what a danger this person is to Society and turns them in. The REWARD is $5000. with complete privacy. No one will ever know you spoke to us.
We are way behind on Donations for this adorable little pup, and his Medical Care has just begun. Please, Donate whatever you can and send to your Friends so they can also Donate toward his long-term Medical Care. The Gift of Life is the Gift that keeps on giving for the Life you gave back to the Abused Animal. Thanks for Caring and Sharing Snuffy's Story of Survival. Have a very blessed Holiday Season.