SPARROW is able to take his first steps to walk since we rescued him. He is one strong resilient little pup. We are hoping the worst is over for him. His bloodwork has improved dramatically and is getting close to the normal range. All of his cultures have come back and he is on the best antibiotics for the three bugs he has. Next week, the surgeons will access his wounds to determine which areas will need flaps or skin grafts done. The best news is that he is strong enough to stand up and walk. His pain level has also gone down so we are able to change his pain meds to something that does not knock him out. This little boy has really shown us all what it means to never give up on an animal that is fighting with all they have to LIVE. We love Sparrow and are so glad to see him on the mend. He is still in ICU but has been moved to a larger room where he can walk out instead of being lifted out. The way he is improving, by Monday he should be running out the door.
If you are interested in adopting SPARROW, Do Not wait until he is ready to go. We are taking applications now and will pick the best applicant based on his needs.
Thanks for caring and spreading the word about this wonderful pup. Miracles happen everyday. We are so glad that Sparrow is one of those Miracles.