THOMAS is looking for his forever family.
THOMAS works daily with our trainer on his socializing and obedience. THOMAS is making huge progress and starting to enjoy the big world around him. THOMAS staples are out, and his neck has healed beautifully. Once his fur grows back, you will not be able to tell he had an injury. We prefer any dog that has had an embedded collar to use only a harness.
THOMAS is laid back boy who doesn't need a lot. A quiet home would be an ideal family, with a yard, and somewhere he can relax, feel safe and be loved. THOMAS is dog-friendly, tolerant of children, and he loves all people. He's a simple pup who just wants to lie at your feet and snuggle up for your affections.
THOMAS is current on vaccines, neutered; house broken and crate trained, he has a microchip & he is heart worm negative. All our dogs are professionally temperament tested and evaluated. We require an application, home check and adoption fee. We adopt out of state and help to work out transport possibilities. Our dogs are not allowed to fly “cargo”.