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TIBBY (Karakachan Puppy)

What is happiness in the Animal Kingdom?   Ask Tibby, and you will be quite surprised by her response.  


Tibby had to be taken to the ER on Friday to have her last rear leg amputated.   What we had hoped would not happen, did.  Tibby started to use her non-functioning leg as a chew toy.  To her, it was a bone with fur on it that traveled with her.  When she was bored, she did what any puppy would do, grab the closest bone she could find and chew.  Once we noticed this, she had to be taken to the ER immediately.  


Dogs that self-mutilate are never aware of what they are doing.  They either can't feel the leg, or they have a tingle from radial nerve paralysis that they chew to make it stop.  Tibby had no feeling in her leg from the hip joint on down.  Her hip joint was out of the socket and was attached by skin and atrophied muscle.  We had hoped to give her a little while longer to recover from her last amputation and the infection she had, but that was not possible.  We had to get on Tibby Time as we call it.


Life for this beautiful pup has been one of wonder and delight.   Every day that we perceive as a challenge is one of adventure for her.   She has been this way since the day we rescued her.   Her Life has been in the balance between Life and Death more times than I care to mention.  The problem is Tibby has never had a bad day in Tibby's World.  She takes whatever is wrong and adjusts her Life accordingly.  


Happiness to Tibby is having one of her friends to wrestle.  Scooting across the yard when she sees us and wrapping her front paws around our legs and hugging.  Crawling up in our laps and laying her head on our shoulder for another Tibby hug.  This sweet girl and I have a lot in common when it comes to hugs.  If you want a hug, then give a hug.   She is like a wiggly baby that does not want to be still until she is thoroughly exhausted.


We have spent a lot of time and money learning what is possible when an animal clearly is happy and joyful with the Life they have been given.   We can all learn from this.  Our perception of happiness is based on something animals do not understand.   Not having rear legs in a World where you are loved unconditionally has no bearing on Tibby's or Archer's quality of Life.   These two amazing dogs have opened our eyes to what is possible when you watch, look and listen to the animals we care for.


I have been doing rescue for close to fifteen years. I have always been uncomfortable and awkward around paralyzed dogs until I ended up with so many beautiful innocent Souls that were Abused, Neglected and Abandoned.   They were euthanized because they did not fit the mold of who should Live and who should Die.  I decided to change my perception of what Quality of Life is for an animal. I opened my eyes and observed pure Joy and Happiness from the perspective of an animal that had been tortured.  


Our Philosophy at Noah's Arks Rescue is not for the Faint of Heart. We love all animals, but our passion is for the ones that no one else wants.   Our love in no way makes us better than other rescues.  Each Shelter and Rescue has a calling and a Mission that is needed to save healthy animals and injured ones. We have just chosen to do the latter.  


In the process of this undertaking, we reach all over the World for Support.   The Noah's Arks Rescue Community is a unique and diverse group of people that give their love and support to our pups daily. Across States and Continents, we cry together and rejoice when an animal learns how to trust and love. Noah's Arks Rescue is 100% Donation based.   We are here for the animals and can Love and Medically treat them because of YOU.  


Look at the videos of Archer, Tibby and all the other pups we have saved, and you will see what unconditional Love looks like in the eyes of an Abused 
Animal........Pure Joy and Happiness.


Thanks for caring about all of these incredible pups.   Tibby's surgery was close to $4000.  Any Donations would be greatly appreciated.


Enjoy the 4th of July and don't forget how scared animals are during the Fireworks.  Keep them safe by putting in an area they cannot get out of and play soothing music to mask the sounds outside.  If your animal does go missing during this time, contact Animal Control immediately so they can be on the lookout.  Warm hugs and much love, always.....Jennifer



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