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As we continue our relentless efforts to care for our furry friends, we find ourselves facing a crucial need. We are currently short-staffed and in dire need of a qualified individual with Vet Tech or Kennel Tech experience. This role is vital in ensuring the well-being of our dogs.  If you know someone who fits the bill, please consider recommending them to us.


Adorable Treasure has stolen the hearts of everyone, including the dogs at Noah's Ark Rescue. When we first rescued him, he was reticent and emaciated. He eats like a champ and demands food by screaming at us when he thinks it is time to eat. The funny thing is that we have an alarm to tell us it is time for his feeding. He screams like a banshee right before the alarm goes off. Treasure has become our alarm system.  His weight is now a whopping 12 lbs. 11 ounces.


His bloodwork is remarkable, considering he was almost dead the first month we had him.   The biggest problem we are dealing with is his inability to walk.  It appears he never got to leave his kennel or learn to walk. We have to work with him in his cart and also work with his legs to build muscle.  We each take an animal's ability to walk for granted since they learn it very young.  An older dog that has never walked is something we are not familiar with.  We are determined to get him walking either in his cart or as a tripod.


The new Life Treasure has is something to behold.  He loves being around other dogs, and they love giving him kisses.  His entire personality has changed over the past several months.  He is no longer scared and loves being held.   He stands in his cart and listens to all the sounds of the dogs around him while getting slight glimpses with his diminished eyesight.


To say Treasure is cherished is an understatement. He is loved and adored in a million different ways, and he loves it.  Our sweet boy goes back and forth to the vet to stay on top of his medical needs.  His blood and urine panels show us he is thriving under our care.  Our primary focus now is getting him to walk and having a special cart built for him, given his limitations.  


We are deeply grateful for the support and love you've shown Treasure. Your contributions have truly made a difference in his life. Thank you for giving Treasure the Gift of Life.  

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