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WILLIAM (Weimareiner)

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ANDERSON, SC......Sweet William was picked up by an Animal Control Co-Worker that spotted him attempting to run across a busy highway.    Once she caught up with him, she was horrified at what she saw in his mouth.  He could not close his mouth because it was filled with a massive growth and lots of small ones that had taken over one entire side of his jaw and teeth.


I was sent a plea for help, so he was not put to sleep because of his medical condition.  I immediately contacted Anderson County P.A.W.S.  and said I would take him.   William appears to be a beautiful full-bloodied massive Weimareiner that is approximately eight years old.  This poor older pup looks like he was once owned by someone since he is not emaciated.   Someone had to have been hand feeding him since he cannot close his mouth or use his teeth.  He can swallow food, but that would soon change as would his breathing capabilities if the masses continued to grow.


William was taken to Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Matthews, NC where Dr. Michelle Nanfelt would be his Surgeon, and Dr. Claudia McFadden would be his Oncologists.    If this turns out to be a tumor, we would have to do Radiation to reduce the size of the tumor before anything could be removed.   We ordered a Cat Scan be done and also x-rays to determine if he has any nodules in any areas in his body that would indicate he has cancer and if it had spread.   He is also Heartworm positive, and we need to have an Echo done to see how advanced it is and if he is even a candidate for surgery.


We have lots of balls in the air with this amazingly sweet dog that wants nothing more than to be loved.  William is a very Gentle Soul as most Weimaraners are.   We will have to wait for the tests to come back before we can proceed with any surgery that requires sedation.  Please, keep William in your Prayers that we get good news.


William has a lot going on and will need all the help we can give him.  Please, DONATE toward his Medical Care so he can live out his Life free of pain and suffering.  If it turns out he does have cancer that has spread, he will live out his Life with us at Noah's Arks Rescue.   


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