William, our special Weimareiner that we rescued eight months ago with large benign growths on his gums is back in the hospital for more surgery. His wonderful Family contacted us when they noticed the masses had come back and were increasing in size. Once we saw the pics of his mouth, we knew we had to get him in to see Dr. Nanfelt at CVS to do more surgery.
Poor William is always going to have a problem with these growths. His gum line is in such poor health that for some reason his body reacts by forming masses to protect it. Each time, Dr. Nanfelt removes the masses and as much infection as she can without doing more damage. The problem is the masses come back over time, and with William being HW+ we are working on what would be the best for him given his age.
William's heartworm status is something we have gotten a ton of opinions from different Cardiologists. Some say to go ahead and treat him for the HW while others say to do the slow-kill which we have been doing. Unfortunately, there is no right answer and the fact we now know his masses will come back presents a bit of an issue for him undergoing multiple surgeries over the course of a year because of anesthesia risks.
For now, we have to remove the masses to get him comfortable and to control the infection they cause. William will also be seeing a Dentist to get their feedback on his condition. We have a lot of balls in the air for this special boy, and his safety is our top priority right now. William is in a great home where he is loved and adored. We want to give him all the time he has left enjoying Life without doing more harm by not doing a necessary procedure he might need.
Please, keep this special boy in your prayers and Donate whatever you can so we can proceed with removing his masses and getting him feeling better. Thanks for caring and loving our pups as much as we do, even after they are Adopted.