Once the Surgeons were finally able to shave and clean all of Winston's wounds, we were all shocked to see how many bites he had all over his head. This poor pup was viciously attacked all over his head and neck area. Winston has to have his wounds cleaned and debrided several times a day so we can get the new tissue to grow and get rid of the necrotic tissue. Our dear boy is still in a little bit of shock over what has happened to him. It is very apparent he does not have a mean bone in his body. All he wants to do is curl up in your lap and snuggle. After a short while, he finally settles down and will sleep. He has to be lightly sedated for each bandage change because his wounds are still very painful. He is on just enough pain meds to keep him comfortable but not enough to knock him out or cause him to be nauseated. We want him up and moving around to help with his swelling. Winston is still critical and will have to remain in ICU until the wounds have begun to granulate. The Surgeons are doing their best to save as much of his ear as possible. If the tissue area does not begin to granulate, the ear flap will have to be removed to prevent infection. We are hoping to know more in the next couple of days.
Winston is going to be a fabulous Family dog. He has the best personality and loves everyone. The fact no one is looking for him is so sad since he wants nothing more than to be loved. Even with all of his injuries, he is as sweet as can be. Winston will be in the hospital for about a month getting wound care, but we are taking applications now for him. We have received only a small amount of donations for our dear boy. Please, help us with his extensive medical bills so we can help more animals like Winston. Thanks for caring and being part of his Journey heal find Love.